When Extension Agents were asked what they were seeing in the local Extension Office, these were some of their responses (requested July 25, 2014):
Trey Gafnea, Meriwether county
- I have had three reports of fall army worms in the last 12 hours (sent Tue. July 29).
Teddie Berry, Program Asst – Perry
- Everything to do with pecans
- Bagworms in cedar
- Pruning blueberries
Sid Mullis – Augusta
- Rose rosette virus – 1st case ever brought to me in the Augusta area on July 16.
- Torpedograss – only the 3rd or 4th case I have been aware of in the Augusta area.
- And – the dreaded armyworms.
Randy Drinkard, LaGrange
- spittlebugs on turf (primarily centipedegrass)
- powdery mildew on a number of ornamental plants (particularly roses, dogwoods)
- mealybugs on ornamental shrubs
- euonymus scale
- early blight on tomatoes
- fall webworm in oaks, hickories and pecans
- tons of poison ivy in naturalized areas
- armadillo damage in lawns
- Virginia buttonweed in turfgrasses
Tripp J. Williams, Columbia County
- Fall webworms
Tim Daly, Gwinnett County
- Millipedes in and around homes
- Some kudzu bugs
- Squash bugs
- Mexican bean beetles
- Prostrate spurge weed
Jule-Lynn Macie, Griffin, GA
- Bag worms!
Gary Peiffer, Dekalb County
- Brown patch on fescue, Bermuda
- Rust on serviceberry, etc.
- Fire Blight on Bradford pear
- Cold damage to hawthorns, shrubs
- Japanese Beetles on crepes
Willie Chance, Peach County
- Melting out in Bermudagrass
- Japanese beetles on Knock Outs, etc,
- Lots of crabgrass