The Distance Diagnostics through Digital Imaging system (DDDI) has served as an on-line diagnostic tool for Extension personnel since 1998.
Georgia residents contact one of the approximately 160 local UGA Extension offices with pest and plant problems. County Extension Office personnel utilize the DDDI system to submit digital images of these problems to state specialists who in return forward a rapid diagnosis to the county office through DDDI. The response is then shared with the resident.
Recent technology changes and emerging issues require that the UGA DDDI system be upgraded. The Center helped coordinate the creation of a task force and surveyed DDDI system users to identify current issues and needs. The DDDI system upgrades began in 2012.
The system was streamlined and simplified. New features were identified, including a method of accessing the DDDI system using mobile devices, and some local Extension offices received new DDDI diagnostic equipment. On-line and face-to-face training introduced DDDI system users to new training tools, system upgrades and/or best methods of submitting images. Seventy-five percent of the agents surveyed have noticed the UGA DDDI upgrade changes and liked them.
Ongoing user feedback is being used to continually upgrade and improve the DDDI system to provide Georgia residents with timely and accurate pest management information.
For more information email or visit the DDDI website.