Info courtesy of the UGA Nursery Production Facebook page by Matthew Chappell, UGA Original article published in Greenhouse Grower magazine.
A newly released educational video provides valuable information on horticulture’s essential role in bee and pollinator stewardship.
“Protecting Bees & Pollinators: What Horticulture Needs to Know,” narrates the current state of bee and pollinator health, provides information on factors that impact pollinators and the environment, including the use of pesticides, and underscores the beneficial role horticulture plays in providing healthy pollinator ecosystems.
The seven-minute video was produced as part of the horticulture industry’s Bee & Pollinator Stewardship Initiative, a collaboration by the Horticultural Research Institute, AmericanHort, Society of American Florists (SAF) and the American Floral Endowment.