As we all wait patiently, or impatiently, for Spring there are things we can do this month to be ready. This chore list was taken from UGA vegetable specialist Bob Westerfield’s Vegetable Garden Calendar.
Indoor Chores
This is the time to start your seedlings indoors. Peppers and eggplants take about eight weeks to grow from seed to transplant size. Tomatoes will take about six weeks. For detailed information about indoor seed starting visit our January 2015 post on seed starting by Amy Whitney.
Check in with your local UGA Extension office to see what type of classes are being offered near you. Agents plan their trainings on what you want to learn! There is also an upcoming events page on our website.
Outdoor Chores
Now is the time to repair any raised bed materials and think about adding compost. If you haven’t done a soil test in the past three years get that done now.
Make early plantings of your choice from the following: carrots, collards, lettuce, mustard, English peas, Irish potatoes, radishes, spinach and turnips.
Use “starter” fertilizer solution around transplanted crops such as cabbage.
Replenish mulch on strawberries.
These chores will keep us busy until the temperatures warm up!
Happy Gardening!