Successful seasonal color beds

Planning before planting seasonal color beds can improve their impact & quality and reduce the potential for problems. This is a list of some UGA publications that may be helpful in planning and planting successful color beds.

Crop Rotation and Cultural Practices Help Reduce Diseases in Seasonal Color Beds by Bodie Pennisi, Department of Horticulture and Jean Woodward, Department of Plant Pathology

This publication explains how to effectively use crop rotation and cultural practices to reduce disease incidence in seasonal color beds.

Success with Herbaceous Perennials by Bodie Pennisi, Paul Thomas and Sheri Dorn – Department of Horticulture.

This publication is intended to provide the basics of perennial plant biology, ideas on design and installation, and information on cultivation and maintenance of perennial beds.

Color wheelColor Theory by Matthew Chappell1, Brad Davis2, Bodie Pennisi1 and Merritt Sullivan3  Department of Horticulture, 2 Department of Landscape Architecture, 3 Dept of Horticulture B.S. Student.

This publication explores color relationships in the landscape, ways of seeing plants in terms of color, and various ways to use color successfully in plant selection and landscape design and composition.

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