ParSLAY the Day!

ParSLAY the Day logo
Each year, Georgia Organics coordinates a statewide campaign to get kids eating, growing, and learning about a locally grown fruit or vegetable during October Farm to School Month. This year’s campaign will be celebrating ParSLAY the Day!  University of Georgia Extension is excited to be a part of this annual event.
To participate in ParSLAY the Day at your school, home, early care center, or in your community, visit to register. Participants will receive access to a free electronic toolkit filled with parsley-themed activities, standards-based lesson plans, fact sheets, recipes, school nutrition resources, and more!  
The first 300 people to sign-up will have the option to receive a free packet of parsley seeds, washable parsley tattoos, and a Georgia Planting and Harvest Calendar for school gardens.  
Share your ParSLAY the Day pictures and activities on social media with #parslaytheday. Each week during October, anyone who has used this hashtag will be entered to win a prize and at the end of the month there will be a grand prize winner.  
Becky Griffin
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