Fall Management of Large Patch Disease in Turfgrass


  • Alfredo Martinez
  • Lee Burpee

Large patch disease of turfgrass is most common in the fall and in the spring as warm season grasses are entering or leaving dormancy. Large patch is caused by the fungus Rhizoctonia solani. It can affect zoysiagrass, centipedegrass, St. Augustinegrass and occasionally bermudagrass.

Symptoms of this lawn disease include irregularly-shaped weak or dead patches that are from 2 feet to up to 10 feet in diameter. Inside the patch, you can easily see brown sunken areas. On the edge of the patch, a bright yellow to orange halo is frequently associated with recently affected leaves and crowns. The fungus attacks the leaf sheaths near the thatch layer of the turfgrass.

Large patch disease is favored by:

  • Thick thatch;
  • Excess soil moisture and poor drainage;
  • Too much shade which stresses turfgrass and increases moisture on turfgrass leaves and soil;
  • Early spring and late fall fertilization.

If large patch was diagnosed earlier, fall is the time to control it. Applying azoxystrobin (Heritage), flutolanil (Prostar), metconazole (Tourney), myclobutanil (Eagle), polyoxin (Endorse), , propiconazole (i.e. Banner Maxx), pyraclostrobin (Insignia), thiophanate methyl (3336 F, G and Plus), or triadimefon (Bayleton), at curatives rates in late September or early October and repeating the application 28 days later are effective for control of large patch during fall. Fall applications may make treating in the spring unnecessary. Always follow label instructions, recommendations, restrictions and proper handling.

Cultural practices are very important in control. Without improving cultural practices, you may not achieve long term control.

  • Use low to moderate amounts of nitrogen, moderate amounts of phosphorous and moderate to high amounts of potash. Avoid applying nitrogen when the disease is active.
  • Avoid applying N fertilizer before May in Georgia. Early nitrogen applications (March-April) can encourage large patch.
  • Water timely and deeply (after midnight and before 10 AM). Avoid frequent light irrigation. Allow time during the day for the turf to dry before watering again.
  • Prune, thin or remove shrub and tree barriers that contribute to shade and poor air circulation. These can contribute to disease.
  • Reduce thatch if it is more than 1 inch thick.
  • Increase the height of cut.
  • Improve the soil drainage of the turf.
  • Apply lime if soil pH is less than 6.5 (Except on centipede lawns).

See the current Georgia Pest Management Handbook for more information. Check fungicide labels for specific instructions, restrictions, special rates, recommendations and proper follow up and handling.


Center Publication Number: 271

How To Prepare Samples For Handling

Source(s): Gary R Peiffer

Collecting a sample for identification of a pest or disease problem.


Observe the plant symptoms and collect the right sections. Then bring them in to the Extension office in good condition.

SYMPTOMS: WILTING; YELLOWING, GENERAL PLANT DECLINE could be caused by a root, stem or foliage problem.

If practical and possible: it is best to bring in the entire plant (leaves, stems and an intact root system). Dig the plant out carefully-do not pull it up or you will lose the roots.

SYMPTOMS: TWIG AND BRANCH BLIGHTS AND CANKERS wounds and dieback of the branches and their foliage.

Select specimens which show recent damage or infection. An area where there is a transition (change) from healthy to damaged (dying) or visa versa. The area where there is a wound or damage to the stem is often the point of infection and this is the area that should be examined for a correct diagnosis.

DO NOT include twigs or branches that are entirely dead, or have been dead for a while. These branches would NOT help with a proper diagnosis because several decay fungi would already have been introduced.

SYMPTOMS: FOLIAGE DISEASES can include spots, scorch, curling, mottling, marginal burning, etc.

Select leaves which show early or recent signs or symptoms of infection, not leaves that are entirely dead or long dead. Marginal burning on the edges of the leaves indicate chemical injury or a type of root disorder (physiological, organic or chemical).

SYMPTOMS: FRUIT, VEGETABLES FLESHY PLANT ORGANS often related to cultural or disease problems.

When collecting, NEVER select specimens that are showing advanced stages of decayor disease. SELECT fresh specimens which show EARLY stages of a problem-disease.


  • DO NOT allow specimens to lay around several hours or days before bringing into the Extension Office. Rotted or dried, brittle samples are worthless.
  • PICK plant samples right before your trip to the Extension Service office.
  • KEEP SAMPLES COOL – under refrigeration – until you can bring them in.
  • DO NOT allow specimens to over-heat and be destroyed in an automobile.
  • Bring your FRESH specimens in a plastic bag but wrap all plant materials in paper towels before dropping them in the bags.
  • DO NOT add any moisture to these diseased samples.
  • Bring samples- Monday thru Wednesday so that they can go out right away if they need to, we can forward fresh samples to the UGA laboratory. (Samples brought Thursday and
  • Friday will be held until shipping, the following week – and will not be as fresh.)
  • Fill out diagnostic forms as completely as you can.



  • Collect them ALIVE and bring them in alive, undamaged.
  • If you must kill them, place the insects in alcohol.
  • Do NOT crush or smash and bring more than one for ID (bring 3-5 or more).
  • IF POSSIBLE, and available on the plant or in your home, collect and bring in the various life stages of the pest: adult, larva, pupa, egg, etc.
  • DO NOT mail insects in envelopes or on tape – they are impossible to ID due to the handling they receive while in the mail.
  • MAKE NOTES as to where the pest resides, type of damage,host plant, types of chemicals or other controls you have tried, etc. (for ID FORM).


As of 3/5/99, there are a limited number of fees for diagnostic samples.


  • SOIL SAMPLES (basic test) is $6.00. For other specialized soil tests you should call for the current cost.
  • WATER TESTS: basic = $12.00. All specialized water tests, call for current cost.
  • DIAGNOSTIC SAMPLES sent directly to the UGA LAB without going through the local County Agent. These samples circumventing the system are not considered educational samples and are $25 per sample. So, please go through your County Extension office and use the correct forms.
  • (NO CHARGE TO HANDLE: plant ID, nematodes, disease or insect ID)

If you have questions about what can be tested, Call First!

Center Publication Number: 38

Hydrangea: A Southern Tradition

Source(s): Michele Browne, Former Horticulture Program Assistant – Cobb County Extension.

There are certain plants that just have a natural association with gardening in the South: magnolias, azaleas, camellias, and, of course, hydrangea. In previous generations, it would be hard to find a little white frame country home without a big bush of puffy, extravagant pink, blue, or white hydrangea blooms in a place of honor by the front door.

hydWhen most people hear the word “hydrangea,” they visualize Hydrangea macrophylla, or Bigleaf Hydrangea. This is the traditional hydrangea with the large puffball type of bloom in shades of blue or pink (color is dictated by the pH of the soil). However, there are many types of hydrangea, some more popular and appropriate to our gardens than others.The chart below lists five popular types:

Where to Plant Your Hydrangea

Hydrangeas love a location where they can get morning sun and afternoon shade. They will grow in locations with afternoon sun, but will probably wilt and need more supplemental watering. In either situation, don’t expect your plants to take full sun. The large leaves of hydrangea result in more water loss (transpiration) in the heat of summer, so all hydrangeas need a break from the sun. However, beware of deep shade – hydrangeas need 3-4 hours of direct sunlight to put on the best bloom show. The exception here is Oakleaf hydrangea. This Georgia native is stunning as an understory shrub beneath mature trees. As long as it receives good slanted sun in either early morning or late afternoon, it seems to bloom fine. Avoid planting any hydrangea in locations that stay soggy or very dry.

How to Plant and Care for Hydrangea

Dig a hole at least twice the size of the plant container. If possible, amend the bed around the hydrangea from 6-8 inches deep in an area several feet from the plant. If the soil is heavy clay, mix in 1/3 organic material such as homemade compost, finely ground pine bark chips, shredded leaves, composted cow manure, or mushroom compost (do not use peat moss – it breaks down too quickly). At the same time you may choose to mix in a slow release fertilizer such as Osmocote. If the hydrangea is potbound (has tightly packed roots that are running around the outside next to the container) be sure to cut into this root mass in several places, breaking up the roots and allowing them to spread into the surrounding soil. In severe cases you may even need to cut away excess, overgrown root material. Plant the plant at soil level or slightly higher to allow for soil settling. Water until puddles form around the plant and all the air bubbles have escaped. Apply two to three inches of mulch, avoiding piling mulch around the stem(s) of the plant.

Water your new hydrangea consistently during its first spring, summer, and fall. The larger the plant you have planted (3 – 5 gallon), the more it will need watering in the first year to compensate for its reduced root system. A thorough drenching of the root system once or twice a week is infinitely preferred to a daily “sprinkle.”

Hydrangeas have a reputation for being “water hungry.” Adequate water is critical in the high growth months of spring. However careful planting and mulching can go a long way to reduce watering needs.

Many hydrangeas (just like people!) will wilt during the heat of a summer afternoon. This is because their large leaves are giving off water faster than the roots of the plant can replace it. As soon as the sun goes down, they perk back up. Don’t assume that a wilted plant needs watering. Check the soil moisture level to a depth of 4-5”. If it is moist, put off watering until the soil is dry.

All blooming plants need a good schedule of fertilization and hydrangeas are no exception. A balanced fertilizer such as 8-8-8 or 10-10-10 sprinkled around the plant at the drip line in March, May, and July will do well. If you want to avoid repeat applications, apply a timed-release formulation in early March.

Read the fertilizer label for amount to apply. In early spring the plants will benefit from a 1 ½ to 2 inch layer of composted cow manure out to their drip line to add organics.

A Note on “Florist” Hydrangeas: “Florist” hydrangeas are usually just Bigleaf Hydrangeas that have been cultivated to stay small and bloom early and extravagantly. They’ve been grown in greenhouses under ideal conditions. You cannot take a plant grown under such conditions out to the garden without some care. When you receive one for a gift, enjoy its blooms. If it is cold outside, cut back the blooms and treat it as a houseplant until you can move it outside after the danger of frost in the spring. Be sure to remember that a hydrangea planted outdoors is a shrub averaging 3 feet tall by 3 feet wide. A gift hydrangea in bloom cannot be expected to bloom again in that same year. Don’t expect much in the way of bloom on a young hydrangea planted outdoors for the first two to three years.

Description of Hydrangea Bloom Forms:




Round or globe shaped flower cluster, this is the most commonly recognized form of hydrangea bloom.

Long (up to 12-14 inches), somewhat cone-shaped flower cluster (particularly in Oakleaf hydrangeas).

Flattened cluster of what appear to be tiny, immature buds surrounded at the edges by typical 4 to 5 petal flowers. Lacecaps are named after their likeness to Colonial ladies’ headcoverings

How to Prune Hydrangeas:

How and when to prune hydrangeas is an issue for many gardeners, even those with experience.

Pruning is done to:

  • reduce plant size or reshape plant
  • remove old, non-productive branches
  • remove frost damaged leaves
  • deadhead blossoms

Below are pruning guidelines for each of the five popular types of hydrangea listed in the table above.

Bigleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea macrophylla) Flowers bloom on last year’s wood. In early spring remove older, woodier branches at ground level to allow more light and air circulation. (Note: Determine whether or not a branch is dead by scratching the bark with a fingernail or small knife. If there is green directly beneath the surface, the branch is alive.) After the last frost date, around mid April, clip or pull off any frost damaged leaves.

Do major pruning and reshaping after the blooms begin to fade in July, but no later than August 1st. On a mature bush (5-6 years old) remove 1/3 of the oldest woody stems each year by cutting to the ground. Encourage further new foliage growth by deadheading (removing faded flowers).

Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia)

This is a large shrub that should be left to grow in its natural form. Flowers bloom on previous season’s wood. Prune after flowering only to remove dead wood, old flower heads and 1/3 of the oldest wood (to increase light and air circulation). If necessary, severe pruning (back to only two buds at the base of each stem) may be done in early spring (late February to early March) to renew overgrown plants.

Peegee Hydrangeas (Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’)

Flowers develop on new wood. Plants may be handled in two ways: 1). Cut back severely to leave only two buds at the base of each stem in early March. or 2). Allow plant to develop without pruning. Blooms will still appear on new growth. Severe early pruning produces a smaller plant with larger blooms; not pruning produces a larger plant with many smaller blooms.*

Smooth Hydrangea (Hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’)

Flowers bloom on current year’s wood. Prune entire plant back to 6-12” from ground in early March.*

Climbing Hydrangeas (Hydrangea anomola petiolaris)

Little or no pruning is required. In the summer, if needed, remove unwanted shoots that have grown out of bounds. (Note: Trees are not harmed by climbing hydrangea.)

*Note: Peegee and Annabelle hydrangeas, because they bloom on this year’s wood, do not have their buds damaged by the late spring frosts that so often harm Bigleaf hydrangeas. This makes them especially well adapted to growing in the Atlanta area.

Failure to Bloom

Failure to bloom can be attributed to any or all of the following causes:

  • Winter/early spring frost injury to flower buds
  • Pruning in late summer
  • Too much shade
  • Excess nitrogen

Color Change in Bigleaf Hydrangeas

hydrangea-247253_640The color of Bigleaf or French Hydrangeas is influenced by the availability of aluminum in the soil. In acid soils more aluminum is available resulting in blue color; in alkaline soils with less aluminum available, the flowers are pink. A quick way to influence soil pH (acidity/alkalinity) for an individual plant is to apply a liquid soil drench:

  • To make flowers blue, dissolve 1 tablespoon of alum (aluminum sulfate) in a gallon of water and drench the soil around the plant in March, April, and May.
  • To make flowers pink, dissolve 1 tablespoon of hydrated lime in a gallon of water and drench the soil around the plant in March, April, and May.

Avoid applying to the leaves, as foliar damage can occur.

Some Popular Bigleaf Hydrangeas to Consider for Your Garden:

  • ‘Ayesha’ – 4-6 ft. tall with very unusual mophead blooms. Individual flower petals are slightly cupped and tightly packed together – gives the effect of popcorn.
  • ‘All Summer Beauty’ – 3-4 ft. tall with flowers produced on current year’s wood.
  • ‘Nikko Blue’- 4-6 ft. tall with the most dependably rich blue flower heads (in slightly acidic soil); mophead bloom.
  • ‘Pia’ – dwarf selection (1-2 ft. tall) with carmine red mophead blooms.
  • ‘Lanarth White’ – 3 ft. tall with lacecap blooms composed of pink or blue fertile flowers surrounded by a ring of pure white sterile flowers.
  • ‘Blue Wave’ – large 6-7 ft. plant covered with blue lacecap flowers in a layered effect.
  • ‘Preziosa’ – extremely interesting plant with mophead blooms that start a pale pink then mature darker pink, rose, wine red, then finally rust. Gives multiple season interest.

This is an extremely small sampling of the available varieties. Explore your local nurseries for different offerings.

Five Popular Hydrangeas for Atlanta Area Gardeners:

Common Name

Flower Form*

Flower Color

Bloom Time

Pruning Time

Bigleaf hydrangea, Garden hydrangea, French hydrangea, Common hydrangea

(Hydrangea macrophylla)

Mophead or Lacecap

Pink, Pink Reds,

Blue, Blue Violet,

Purple (color controlled by soil pH)

May thru early July. Deadhead promptly after flowers begin to fade. Deadheading means to remove faded flowers. Some plants may rebloom in fall. Flowers bloom on last year’s wood.

After bloom – July (always before August 1st)

Oakleaf hydrangea (hydrangea quercifolia)


White fading to pinkish purple

June – blooms appear later than Bigleaf hydrangea and last a longer period of time, typically thru summer. Sets buds on last year’s wood.

This plant does not usually need pruning. If reshaping or size-reduction is necessary, prune after blooms begin to fade.

Peegee hydrangea

(Hydrangea paniculata ‘Grandiflora’)


White fading to pinkish bronze in fall.

May-June. “Tardiva”  variety blooms in August.

March — Prune entire plant back to 6-12” from ground around March 1st. Plant blooms on current year’s wood. Or leave

unpruned –blossoms will appear on new growth.

Smooth hydrangea

(hydrangea arborescens ‘Annabelle’)




Prune entire plant back to 6-12” from ground around March 1st. Plant blooms on current year’s wood.

Climbing hydrangea

(hydrangea anomola petiolaris)




May not need pruning, except to shape. Prune after bloom.

Hydrangeas: A Gardener’s Guide, Lawson-Hall & Rothera, 1995.
The Southern Living Garden Book, Steve Bender, 1998.
Hydrangea Culture, Leaflet 162, UGA Cooperative Extension Service, 1979.
Ornamental Horticulture Facts: Growing Bigleaf Hydrangea, FactSheet H-92-011, UGA Cooperative Extension Service,1992.
Hydrangea Identification and Pruning Guide, Cobb County Cooperative Extension Service, 2002.

Center Publication Number: 7

Icky Silverfish are Generally Harmless

Source(s): Jim Howell, Ph.D., Entomologist, The University of Georgia

Silverfish. Sounds like something you’d buy in the frozen foods section at a health food store. But in reality, these little insect pests can become a significant nuisance for homeowners, if populations get out of hand.

As their name implies, silverfish are usually silver to gray in color, and their bodies are flat and wingless. The color comes from the tiny silver scales that give the body a metallic sheen. Their bodies are 1/2 to 3/4 inch long and taper carrot-like from head to tail. Two long antennae extend from the head and usually wrap around the body, while from the tail three long, slender “bristles” extend to the rear.

Firebrats are similar insects but lack the silvery sheen. They are brown to gray, with dark spots that give a mottled appearance.


Development time for silverfish from egg to adult varies from three months to three years. Firebrats usually take about four months. Adults may live three more years and will molt throughout their lives, sometimes more than 30 times a year.

Depending on the species, adults lay five to fifty eggs in clutches, in cracks and crevices near food sources. The nymphs look almost identical to adults except they are smaller and white. Because their populations increase very slowly, large numbers indicate there is a longtime infestation.

Silverfish are found almost anywhere in the house but favor moist, warm locations, especially around sinks and other plumbing, and undisturbed storage areas where the humidity is high. They are frequently found in sinks or bathtubs because they fall in while seeking moisture and cannot climb out. Homeowners often see them when they move storage boxes or open a cabinet door.

Firebrats prefer areas of high temperature (90 degrees and above) and high humidity. They are more common in attics and around ovens, furnances, water heaters and hot water pipes. Both silverfish and firebrats are most active at night, and move swiftly, often stopping for short intervals before scurrying on. They move with a wriggling motion like that of swimming fish.

Both silverfish and firebrats are often initially brought into the home in paper, books, food, starched clothing or furniture.


These insects are considered pests primarily because they are a nuisance. They feed on a wide variety of materials, including bookbindings, starch in clothing, linen, dried organic ornaments, wallpaper, paste and glue. Damage is significant, however, only in large infestations over long periods.


Sanitation is a major step in controlling these pests. When storing items, especially fabrics, be sure they are clean and starch-free. Store them in tight-fitting containers and reduce the moisture as much as posibble. Because these pests often reside in wall cavities, keep storage boxes a few inches away from walls and raised off the floor.

Chemical Control

If sanitation alone is not sufficient, various pesticides may be useful in eliminating or reducing these pests. Sprays for ants and roaches in pump sprayers or aerosol cans are usually effective. Recommended pesticides include cyfluthrin, cypermethrin, esfenvalerate and permethrin. Also, boric acid can be puffed into cracks and crevices and loosely around storage areas. It has the advantage of being very low in toxicity and very long-lasting if applied in dry voids where it will remain undisturbed.

Control may not be necessary if populations are low and limited to small areas and if no damage is noticed.

Center Publication Number: 166

Identification and Prevention of Termite Problems


  • Elizabeth S. Vantine, Master Gardener
  • Gary R Peiffer

It is important to correctly identify an insect as a termite. This way, you may be able to dismiss an insect that is not a termite. On the other hand, if you confirm the presence of termites, it is time to begin educating yourself on what to do next.



  • Carpenter ants
  • Carpenter bees
  • Powder-post beetles


Subterranean termites cause millions of dollars worth of damage each year to buildings across the United States. Much of this loss occurs here in the South. It is important to check buildings often for evidence of termite infestation.


Visible Evidence

termite1Obvious external evidence of subterranean termite damage includes:

  • Flights of adults emerging from soil or wood.
  • Discarded wings on floors beneath doors and windows where termites have emerged within a building and tried to escape.
  • Flattened, earthen shelter tubes running from the soil upward along the foundation walls into the building itself.

Hidden Damage:

Most subterranean termite damage is not visible on the surface, but it can completely honeycomb wooden timbers, leaving only a thin shell covering the surface. These are called “galleries.” Find these galleries by removing weatherboarding or trim boards or by probing suspicious areas with an ice pick or a knife. Termites do not push out sawdust-like material from their galleries.


Look for areas termites favor where warm, moist soil contains an abundant wood supply or other cellulose material. Keep crawl spaces clean. Do not allow scrapes of wood to accumulate. Provide plenty of ventilation under buildings. Check cracks and voids in foundations and concrete floors through which termites may establish tunnels between the soil and wood.


Planning New Construction

Good building practices help insure long-term protection against subterranean termites. Termites must maintain contact with soil or other sources of moisture or they will die. Your Extension Service can provide you with detailed building methods and information designed to prevent problems from the beginning.

Selecting Resistant Materials

Pressure-impregnated wood chemically-treated by a standard process provides maximum protection where wood must be in contact with the soil. Certain species of native wood resist termites, but are not as resistant as pressure-treated wood.


Subterranean termites frequently infest certain types of construction including:

  • Concrete slabs on the ground.
  • Crawl spaces with inadequate clearance, ventilation, and drainage.
  • Foundations under enclosed porches and terraces where filled earth comes very close to the building timber.
  • Buildings with no basement and slab-on the ground construction attract termites along the inside of the foundation, while
  • Buildings with basements more often attract termites outside the foundation.


Termite control requires specialized equipment and knowledge. Retain the services of a competent, licensed professional termite control service. For a list of the name of termite eradication professionals, contact the

  • Better Business Bureau,
  • Georgia Department of Agriculture Pesticide Division,
  • County Extension Service,
  • Georgia Pest Control Association,
  • Experienced friends.

Get at least three estimates. Don’t automatically go with the lowest estimate. Select the professional you have the most confidence in and feel the most comfortable working with.




All loose and unnecessary wood from underneath and adjacent to buildings with crawl spaces, including form boards and other debris. All wood units that connect the soil with the exterior woodwork of the building, such as trellises. All soil within 18 inches of floor joists and 12 inches of girders.


Needed units, such as trellises, in a way to avoid creating new contacts between soil and woodwork. Wooden piers and posts with pressure-applied preserved wood. Damaged and structurally weakened sills, joists, flooring, etc. with sound material.


Voids, cracks or expansion joints in concrete or masonry with either cement grout, roofing-grade coal-tar pitch or rubberoid bituminous sealers.


Adequate drainage and ventilation around and under the building.


Frequently for evidence of new infestation. Wooden buildings in areas of high infestation should be inspected annually.


Identifying Subterranean Termites:  

The subterranean termite has:

  • Two short thread-like or bead-like straight antennae,
  • Two pairs of wings similar in size, shape, and pattern with many veins,
  • Four stubs remaining after the wings detach, and
  • A long rectangular body.

Life Cycle of the Subterranean Termite

Examining a piece of infested wood most likely reveals the wingless, grayish-white worker termites. The other mature forms are soldiers and reproducing adults. All individuals of each form pass through three stages: egg, nymph, and adult.

Center Publication Number: 26

Indian Meal Moths


  • Kathy Flanders, Extension Entomologist, Entomology and Plant Pathology, Auburn University.
  • Xing Ping Hu, Extension Entomologist , Auburn University.

The Indian meal moth is a common indoor pest. Larvae are frequently found infesting stored products, while the adults are swarming around in the house. The moth was given its common name by an early American entomologist, Asa Fitch, who found it feeding on cornmeal or Indian meal. However, you may have seen it attacking various other food materials stored at home.


Many times an infestation is noticed when moths are seen flying around the home in the evening. They are attracted to lights and often appear in front of television screens. The adults are small moths with a wingspan of about three-fourths of an inch. They can be told apart from other indoor moths by their distinctive forewings: the outer two-thirds of the wing is reddish brown; the inner third grayish white. The forewings of Mediterranean flour moths are pale gray with two black zigzag transverse lines, and those of webbing clothes moths are gold. The larvae are about a half-inch long when mature and creamy- white, with a brown head. The pupa is in a loose light-brown silken cocoon.


Adults do not feed, but they lay eggs on food materials. The larval stage causes the injury. Larvae are generally surface feeders but can feed within the grain. As they feed, larvae spin silken thread webbing throughout the infested food source. Small particles are often adhered loosely to the threads.

Larvae feed on a variety of foodstuffs. They are often found in stored grain, cereals, dried fruits, nuts, seeds, and meal products. They will feed on flour, cake mixes, powdered milk, and chocolate. Two sources often overlooked are birdseed and dry pet food. Frequently, infestations start when moths are brought in on these products.


Adults fly around in the evening. An adult may lay up to 350 eggs, singly or in groups, on food materials such as grain, dried food, and especially pet food. The larvae feed on or in the food materials for a few weeks. When mature, they often migrate out of the food source and wander about in search of a suitable place to spin their cocoons for pupation. They are frequently found making cocoons in cracks and crevices on cupboard tops, shelves, ceiling corners, and walls. There are about 6 to 8 generations a year in the South, but the number can vary depending on environmental factors.


  • Prompt action is important in preventing loss of foods stored on kitchen or pantry shelves.
  • First locate infested food products and packages. Check all potentially infested materials, even those unopened boxes or containers, including birdseed and pet foods.
  • Remove all containers, utensils, and shelf paper from the infested area, and clean thoroughly. Use a vacuum cleaner to pick up hiding insects and spilled materials in cracks and corners to make sure there is no lingering moth problem. Empty the vacuum cleaner and discard the vacuum cleaner bag after use to prevent re-infestation. You may then use hot soapy water to clean the pantry, but it will not provide moth control. Destroy cocoons that may be found in the cracks between shelves, moldings, and doorframes, on ceilings of cupboards, or where room walls and ceiling meet. In many cases, a thorough cleanup will control the insects.
  • Uninfested open packages must be transferred to containers with tight-fitting tops.
  • In difficult cases, a household formula of insecticide (Pyrethrins or Resmethrin) is recommended after a cleanup. Apply the solution with a paintbrush only to cracks and crevices. Allow paint to thoroughly dry before putting food materials back. Take great care to avoid contamination of utensils and food.
  • One fairly new control practice is the use of pheromone traps in confined areas, such as a cupboard. Such traps are available from garden catalogs that specialize in pest management products.
  • Continue to observe the infested area for several months after treatment.


Avoid long-term storage of meal products or grains at home, but if you must, store susceptible foods in insect-tight containers: airtight glassware, metal or heavy plastic containers, or in the refrigerator or freezer. Do not purchase crushed or damaged packages of cereal or grain products.

Center Publication Number: 217

IPM in the Garden

Source(s): Stephen D Pettis

Gardening in the southeast is a wonderful hobby. We have long growing seasons, fertile soil, and beautiful summer weather. The daylight lasts until 9:00 pm and there is no end to the kinds of plants we can grow here. There is however a drawback to growing plants in our climate; pests enjoy the same conditions our plants do.

ipmHigh humidity and warm temperatures make pest pressure in the southeast the highest in the nation. This makes gardening in our area most difficult some years. Diseases, insects and weeds are all very aggressive in Georgia and, at times, gardening can get to be almost intimidating. Chemicals are scary, weeds grow like crazy and plant diseases seem to follow every rain.

There is hope for Georgia gardeners, thankfully. By practicing IPM or Integrated Pest Management in our gardens all year long, we can substantially reduce pest pressure. IPM is the use of all available tactics (biological, cultural, and chemical) to control pests. More simply put, IPM involves using everything at our disposal to control pests, including chemicals as a last resort. The following is a list of things we can do to get the jump on weeds, insects and plant diseases in our landscapes and vegetable gardens this spring:

  • Think back to last year. Did you have any pest problems? If so, begin your scouting program in these ‘hot’ spots. Scouting involves examining problem areas for signs of insects, diseases, weeds or the damage caused by them. If you cannot remember from year to year, start a garden notebook to write down your observations for reference in the years to come.
  • Begin scouting weekly in February for signs of insect damage. Look closely at the trunks of trees, the buds of flowering plants, the undersides of leaves and around your home for signs of insect damage. Know the enemy! Familiarize yourself with our most common pests. Several publications are available from your local County Extension office that detail what signs to scout for.
  • Apply pre-emergent herbicides at the appropriate time to lawns to prevent the weed infestations that are bound to occur. This will reduce herbicide use throughout the summer.
    Think about what cultural measures you might employ to keep plants healthy and resistant to pest attacks. Proper fertility, irrigation, mulching, plant site selection and pruning will help assure tougher plants. Again, your local County Extension office is a valuable resource for publications that describe proper cultural techniques.
    Use pest resistant varieties of plants in vegetable gardens and flowerbeds. Pest resistance is often listed on the labels of vegetables and some ornamentals.
    Be vigilant! Scouting weekly and keeping good records of pest sightings, attacks, cultural methods, and chemical applications can avert large pest outbreaks in the long run.
    Use all the tools at your disposal to manage pests.
  • Gardening in the south can be wonderful if gardeners take the time to employ IPM. Many garden problems can be avoided by a proactive approach to dealing with pests. When infestations do occur, using all control tools available will reduce pesticide use and preserve beneficial insects


Center Publication Number: 164

IPM Scouting for Nurseries

Source(s): Todd Hurt

This handout helps to simplify the decision to hire an external or internal pest scout for ornamental production and tips on problem solving. Used on the GGIA nursery tour 2005.

Diagnosing Plant Problems:

  1. Don’t Jump to conclusions
  2. Plant Pathologist/Entomologist
  3. Start Big then Work Small
  4. Plant Problems are rarely the result of a single factor

Terms to know

  • Signs
  • Symptoms
  • Pathogenic
  • Abiotic
  • Halo

Basic Questions

  1. What plants are being effected?
  2. How many plants are involved?
  3. Is the damage found on all of the plants or is it localized?
  4. Is the damage even or progressive?
  5. How long have they been planted?
  6. How are they being watered?
  7. When did you first notice the problem?
  8. Has it spread?
  9. Have you applied anything to try to solve the problem?
  10. Foliar Burn? Also ask about other recent work (i.e. painting, pressure washing)

Now Focus on the Individual Plant:

  1. Are the symptoms on one side of the plant?
  2. Inside of the canopy or out on the tips?
  3. Lower leaves or new growth?
  4. Entire Plant – suspect chemical damage, root/water problems, soil borne diseases
  5. Check Planting Depth
  6. Observe Root System
  7. Damage at soil line or trunk

Insects and Diseases

  • Soft Bodied Insects note color then preserve in rubbing alcohol
  • Disease sample in active margin (halo)
  • Take a large enough sample to show progression
  • In turf note size and shape of damaged area.
  • Keep sample cool in a ziplock bag. Do not add water.
  • If root disease is suspected sample in separate bag.

Bacterial Disease Symptoms

  • Leaf Spots (often water soaked)
  • Wilts
  • Galls

Viral Disease Symptoms

  • Mosaics
  • Ring spots
  • Wilts
  • Stunting
  • Leaf curling

Integrated Pest Management(IPM)

The practice of using all suitable techniques and methods in as compatible a manner as possible to maintain pest populations at levels below those causing economic injury.

IPM Knowledge

  • Know Plants
  • Know Culture & Management Practices
  • Know Pests
  • Know Control Options
  • Know County Agents, Resources
  • Know Chemical Representatives
  • Know Strengths &Weaknesses

The Scout Decision? Internal v/s External


  • Familiar with the nursery
  • Familiar with normal plant appearance
  • Already on the payroll
  • No risk of pest entry from other nurseries
  • Confidential
  • Risk of being redirected to other nursery work
  • Limited time for scouting skill acquisition


  • Salary expended only for scouting time
  • Can specialize in scouting, achieve higher skill level
  • Broader diagnostic network
  • Risk of pests entry from other scout’s nurseries
  • Potential loss of confidentiality

Scout Tool Box

  • Cooler or Ice Chest
  • Hand lens
  • Plastic Bags
  • Water Proof Marker
  • Clipboard White paper
  • Portable pH/EC test
  • Sample Vials & alcohol
  • Reference books
  • Water
  • Knife
  • Clippers
  • Folding Saw
  • Flagging Tape
  • Ruler
  • Gloves
  • Camera
  • Paper Towel/ Wipes

Routine Scouting For Container Nurseries

Scouting Efficiently

  • Monitor Long Cycle Crops Weekly to Biweekly
  • Spend approximately 10 mins inspecting 20 or more plants for every 1000 sq. ft. (or block)
  • Include time to observe pest control application and monitor for efficacy

Tips for Scouts

  • Enter each block looking for abnormal plant symptoms
  • Lift a few suspect plants out of the pot (check moisture level and for decaying roots)
  • Examine foliage for trouble, both new and old growth and top and bottom surfaces.
  • Determine rough count of plants per block with symptoms
  • Look for problem areas (I.e. weeds, irrigation problems or plant spacing)
  • Do the symptoms form a pattern?
  • Flag problem areas (remember however the flagged areas may receive extra attention by the applicator)
  • Record Number and stage of pests present and any beneficial insects present.
  • Determine Threshold numbers

Situational Scouting

  • Nursery Design
  • Nursery Maintenance
  • Water Source and Quality
  • Nursery Media
  • Nursery Containers and Storage
  • Fertilization
  • Plant Propagation
  • Plant Production

Web Resources:


Resource(s): Insect Pests of Ornamental Plants

Center Publication Number: 115

Japanese Beetles

Source(s): Randy Drinkard

It’s June and Japanese beetles are appearing on a number of plants. The damage adult beetles do in a short period of time can wreak havoc on flowers, shrubs and vegetables. Feeding on the upper surface of leaves, they eat the tissue between the veins, leaving a skeletonized appearance to the damaged leaves. Japanese beetles love certain plants with crape myrtles and roses being favorites.japanese

As the name implies, Japanese Beetles are not indigenous to North America. They were accidentally imported from Japan and first appeared in New Jersey in 1916. Despite efforts to contain them, they now infect about half the contiguous 48 states and continue to spread south and west at a rate of 5-10 miles per year. Unfortunately, they will probably be with us for the long haul. The good news is that they can be effectively managed with minimal damage to your landscape.

The adult beetles are generally less that one half inch long. They are metallic green with copper-brown wing covers. Beetles emerge from the ground in early June and feed on more than 300 different plants including herbaceous ornamentals, shrubs, vines, trees, small fruits, fruit trees, row crops, and even poison ivy. They generally live 30-45 days. During that time, females lay 40-60 eggs in the soil. The grubs hatch after 8-14 days and spend 10 months underground, feeding on plant roots and organic matter. Their one-year life cycle comes full circle as the adults emerge the next June.

The most effective means of control is to treat both adult and larval forms. Because the adults are capable of flying in from other areas, controlling one form does not necessarily control the other. Any control measures will be much more effective if all your neighbors control their populations as well.

Adult beetles usually feed in masses and tend to prefer plants in direct sun. Their presence attracts more beetles as they emit pheromones(odors) that attract other beetles to feed and mate. If you catch them early and don’t have too many, hand picking is an effective control. Simply pick or shake off the beetles and drop them in a bucket of soapy water. This is easiest to do in the early morning when the beetles are less active. For larger infestations, spray with Sevin(carbaryl). Be sure to read and follow all label directions. During heavy activity, you will need to spray every 3-7 days. Because Sevin is deadly to bees, try to spray when bees are less active, generally during the hottest part of the day from noon to around 5 pm. When using Sevin on vegetables for insect control, there is a wait period of 3-5 days before crops are safe to harvest and eat. Pheromone traps are not recommended for use in the landscape. They do trap beetles, but in doing so they usually attract many more beetles to your yard and garden than would ordinarily be there.

While we easily see the adult beetles and the damage they do, the larval form can cause extensive damage as well. Larvae are white grubs that are C-shaped when disturbed. White grubs feed primarily on roots of turf grasses but they also attack roots of ornamental trees and shrubs. Heavy infestations can destroy large areas of turf to the extent that the grass can be rolled up like a carpet. You can dig a sample(3 inches deep) to determine their presence. Control measures are warranted if you have more than 10 grubs per square foot of turf area. The most effective time to control grubs is during the late spring(May) or late summer(August) when they are close to the surface of the ground. Applying trichlorfon, imidacloprid(Bayer Advanced) or halofenozide(Grub-B-Gon) to the soil in areas where grubs are active will control them in that specific area.

For organic control, treat the lawn or ground with Bacillus popillae or Milky Spore. Milky spore is the common name for the spores of Bacillus popillae. Bacillus popillae is actually a bacteria that infects Japanese beetle larvae living in the soil and kills them before they develop into adult beetles. Spores build up in the soil over 2-4 years as grubs ingest them and die. Japidemic and Doom are milky spore products.

There are cultural practices that can lower the number of beetles in your landscape. While Japanese Beetles feed on many species of plants, they definitely prefer particular ones. Some that are particularly susceptible to damage include roses, grapes, sassafras, Japanese maple, plum, apple, cherry, peach, crabapple, crape myrtle, rose of sharon, birch, black walnut, willow, asparagus, and virginia creeper. Other plants are very resistant to beetles. To minimize damage in your yard, consider planting a variety of plants that are not attractive to the pests. These include magnolia, redbud, dogwood, red maple, holly, boxwood, hemlock, yew, juniper, spruce, pine, forsythia, clematis, hydrangea, and sweetgum. Remove diseased and damaged fruit from trees and the ground because the odor of this fruit will attract beetles that will then feed on ground fruit and surrounding plants.

Resource(s): Insect Pests of Ornamental Plants

Center Publication Number: 202

Japanese Hollies

Source(s): Robert R Westerfield, College of Agricultural and Environmental Sciences, Extension Horticulturist

While not the most flamboyant plant in the landscape, it’s hard to beat the toughness and versatility of Japanese hollies. Smaller and softer in appearance than Chinese hollies, they make an excellent substitute for overused Yaupon hollies and boxwoods. Well-suited in the formal landscape or used in mass for a more natural look, the dark green leaves of Japanese hollies provide a good background for more colorful plants.

Japanese hollies are excellent plants for the gardener who is looking for shrubs that are low maintenance, drought tolerant and relatively easy to grow. They produce relatively small, spineless leaves and many have small, black berries. They range from dwarf, slow-growing plants to relatively fast-growing, medium-sized shrubs. Some “crenata hollies” have a pyramidal form and can be used as specimen plants in containers.

When looking to incorporate Japanese hollies into your landscape, pay special attention to the particular cultivar. Size can vary greatly, and using the wrong cultivar may mean the continuous maintenance of pruning these plants down to size to fit the space they are planted in. Perhaps one of the best cultivars, and the most compact, is Ilex crenata ‘Compacta’. This particular Japanese holly cultivar rarely grows more than 4 to 6 feet high and forms a dense, dark green, well-shaped plant. Little shearing is required to maintain this shrubs’s compact form.

Ilex creneta ‘Helleri’, or Helleri holly is a dwarf, mounding, compact plant, as well, and makes an excellent landscape plant. It can be placed under most windows without the worry of getting to large and blocking the view.

Ilex crenata ‘Rotundifolia’ or roundleaf holly has larger, flatter leaves than many of the other “crenata hollies” and is sometimes referred to as boxleaf or “boxholly” by some gardeners. It is one of the larger growing crenata hollies, often reaching a height of eight feet if not pruned regularly.

Ilex crenata ‘Repandens’ is a low, spreading Japanese holly that with some pruning of upright limbs can be developed into a four to six foot diameter plant with a height of only two to four feet.

Ilex crenata ‘Convexa’ has the distinguishing characteristic of producing small, convex or cup-shaped leaves. Small, black berries are often produced in adundance as well. Two disadvantages of this variety include its susceptibility to yellowing of the foliage caused by iron deficiency and attack by spidermites. Approximate height in 10 years with proper care is five to six feet.

Japanese hollies also provide an excellent, dark backdrop for variegated plants to light-colored seasonal flowers. Larger, upright and pyramidal forms can be used to accent corners of homes or can be arranged in mass in larger spaces.

Resource(s): Landscape Plants for Georgia
Center Publication Number: 187